Keep undertaking action !

Plan, Do, Check and Act: these are the four cornerstones of our approach plan.  The first three steps have already been discussed in previous blog items.  Today, we will focus on the last step: Act.

Implementing new procedures and/or a new cleaning schedule allows you to work safer and efficient. In order to safeguard its sustainability we will also continue to support and advise you after the solution has been implemented. Adjusting and improving the cleaning programme will after all result in new actions (new product tests, procedures …). 

We will train and advise your employees to guarantee an efficient operation and would like to share best practices with them.  A safe and effective daily use of the cleaning and disinfecting products and the technical installations is necessary for a strong result.

The fully overview of our approach plan can be found here.  Contact us and we will gladly discuss how this approach can be put into action in your company.

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